Why switch to disposables?

Disposable piercing materials offer the professional a good cost/benefit ratio, as they do not require a space dedicated to sterilization. Our commitment to sustainability is present: our plastic materials are 100% recyclable and Stiletto is in the process of making its tools biodegradable.

We do not recommend reusing our tapers due to the EO gas sterilization process used to sterilize them the first time. All plastics are designed to be used only once, as they cannot withstand a long cycle in a StatRight im or large autoclave. Needles should never be reused.

Press Fit jewelry must be used with Press Fit tapers.

It is a food-grade silicone coating, the same used in hypodermic needles.

We believe that piercings should be done by professional piercers, who guarantee a safe environment for the practice.

We understand that you may have questions about the products we sell and we are happy to help you. Send us an email to info@stilettopiercing.pt or use our WhatsApp chat.

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